'Not gonna happen': D.C. Attorney General warns of voter intimidation
WASHINGTON (ABC7) — In the first Presidential debate in September and on the campaign trail, President Donald Trump has called on his supporters to be "poll watchers" at voting locations. "I'm urging my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully, because that's what has to happen" Mr. Trump said during the debate. The statement has leaders in the D.M.V. region like Washington, D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine attempting to set the record straight. "That is illegal, it is not appropriate and it is not going to happen," says Racine. DC Attorney General Karl Racine (ABC7) That is illegal, it is not appropriate and it is not going to happen. Maryland Board of Elections Vice Chair Patrick Hogan also sought to reassure voters during a recent meeting. READ ALSO: ABC7 On Your Side Voter Hotline: Tell us about issues at the polls or with ballots "We have a history of good elections, civil elections and I think that will continue, but ...